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Redefine fitness with Ria: HealthifySmart insights for healthier decisions every day.
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Redefine fitness with Ria: HealthifySmart insights for healthier decisions every day.
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A Connected Fitness Ecosystem

Improve your health holistically, more consistently and experience change like never before.
Glucose Monitoring

Better Tech. Better Health.

A connected fitness ecosystem that helps you achieve your health goals faster and more consistently.
glucose image
Glucose Monitoring

Elite Coaches

Best-in-class Coaches for supreme guidance and motivation.
Elite Coaches
Glucose Monitoring

Metabolic Panel

A dashboard with 80+ key metabolic parameters that helps you stay healthy & identify underlying medical conditions.
Glucose Monitoring

Personalized Fitness Plans

Extensive Diet and Workout Plans customized for you and your fitness goals.
Glucose Monitoring

Better Health Insights

Detailed insights to keep you on track and help you improve your health regimen.

Healthify with Pro. Like a Pro.

Make accurate progress powered by 360° guidance.
continuous glucose monitoring device


Small yet powerful, the CGM helps you lose weight more consistently. It tracks your glucose every minute. So you know what to eat and when to burn.
Two Coaches Standing Side by Side

Pro Coaches

Pro Coaches gather insights from Pro CGM, Smart Scale, Pro Tracker & Metabolic Panel to give you personalised guidance in real time.
A weighing Scale with feautres to measure body fat, muscle mass, protein and bone mass

Smart Scale

Smart in every way, the Smart Scale breaks down body weight into body fat, muscle mass, protein, hydration and bone mass. So you lose the right kind of weight.
lab tests for 80+ parameters

Metabolic Panel

A dashboard with 80+ key metabolic parameters that helps you stay healthy & identify underlying medical conditions.
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Diet Flexibility and Fitness Freedom

With the right data, reach your fitness goals faster, get personalized coaching and work with greater efficiency.
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Improved Tools. Better Insights.

Track detailed body and health metrics with cutting-edge technology.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Track your glucose response to food & activity and learn what works for you.
Timeline & History

Food Tracker

Log meals with a touch, check your macros, or simply take a photo of your meal.
Timeline & History

Body Metrics

Don't just lose weight, lose the right kind of weight. Get detailed body metrics.
Timeline & History

Timeline & History

Get a feed of your whole day in one single place and receive feedback on your choices.
Timeline & History

Join the Health Revolution. It’s Time.

Find your reason to Healthify and bring the change that you’ve always aimed for.
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Krishan Thukral
Krishan ThukralI Healthified from 94 to 80 Kg to play with my son.With the HealthifyMe app, Krishan lost 14 Kg and is now his son’s favourite.
Dr. Rashi Manocha
Dr. Rashi ManochaI Healthified to realise my dreamsSupported by HealthifyMe’s personal coaches, customized diet plans, calorie counters, Dr. Rashi won over her PCOS and lost 18 Kg in 12 months.
Priyanka Jain
Priyanka JainI Healthified to be an active mom.Supported by HealthifyMe’s personal coaches, customized diet plans, calorie counters, Priyanka lost 15 Kg post-pregnancy.
  • Singapore: HealthifyMe Private Limited 20 Bendemeer Road, #03-12 BS Bendemeer Centre, Singapore 339914
  • Malaysia: Suite 28-1, Level 28, Vertical Corporate Tower B, Avenue 10, The Vertical, Bangsar South City, 8 Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur

Copyright © HealthifyMe Wellness Private Limited
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